Monday, July 30, 2012


Remember your first love in high school that you used to think that you were going to marry? You told all your friends that he or she was the perfect one for you and that it would last forever. You even probably thought of names for your children, where you would get married, where you would live, and what type of occupations you both would have. But unfortunately  after a few months or years you realized it wasn't going to work. Maybe due to jealous friends that came in between the relationship, cheating, parents, college, or even something as little as one argument. Some end just because one person just wants to be single or people just grow apart.

Unfortunately for some people the break up of a long term relationship in high school has caused scars that can never be seen externally but enternally you can tell by the actions of these people. Prime example is that beautiful girl in high school that always had a boyfriend but after a bad break up just before graduation three years later in college she's still trying to get that feeling back of a long term exclusive relationship but instead of trying to find herself she is trying to date so many guys but to no avail. She turns her back on all her true friends for  guys that she doesn't know well enough to even consider dating while behind her back people are laughing at her and shaking their heads because she's trying to tie down guys that everyone besides her knows are individuals  who aren't boyfriend material at all. Males do the same thing and I will admit I have been a victim of it in certain situations myself.

But there comes a time in life where you have to realize that finding an exclusive relationship with a person that is just perfect for you is impossible, especially as a young person in their twenties or a college student in general. Finding the perfect relationship can be frustrating. It seems as if lust, jealously, and selfishness gets in the way. The best solution is to just stop caring. It's plain and simple but very hard to do. It takes a different kind of person to just not care but the people who do, realize what this dating game is about and some who do know what its all about still care. At times I care too, its a flaw in me unfortunately.

What is this " dating game" all about mean? Plain and simple is there is no dating game, not to sound ignorant or to even entertain a cliche but its all about fuck bitches get money.  I don't mean that figuralatively. I mean it as in just focus on your responsibilities and what is going to enable you to be successful in this selfish world. Don't worry about love and relationships because it gets in the way of whats really important. To sum this dating game up and to come up with an analogy for it, its " Rent-A-Center." That's what I compare this dating game to. You are with someone for a certain period of time you tell them how much you like them, do all the romantic boyfriend and girl friend things then there's a break up and its on to the next person. That next person maybe someone your best friend dated or even your sibling dating as well. What I'm trying to say is when you're with a person you are running on borrowed time until that person or you realize you don't want to be with your significant other anymore and then its over.

 You see Rent-A-Center dating all the time. Anyone who has dated Kim Kardashian is a prime example, as well as Jennifer Lopez, Shaquille O'neal, Karrine " Superhead" Evans, and Lil Wayne. In my opinion celeritys find it acceptable to continue to date so many people that they run into some of the same circles of partners that some of their close friends have even dated. One minute you could be with some chick you met a bar, the next minute you're with that girls best friend. Then later on you could be with another one of those girls best friends that so happened to be with your friend at one point of time or someone you knew in high school. You understand what I mean?

So when you're in a exclusive relationship, be the best you can be to your significant other. But don't feel guilty or don't be hurt when you want it to end or your partner wants it to end. It most likely never was going to last anyways. Always be optimistic about your future endeavors and make sure you handle your responsibilities. I have seen men and women due the craziest things over a bad break up. Threaten to kill themselves to get the person back, stalk their ex, stop eating, stop going to work, posting emo facebook messages about their ex, posting dumb songs that relate to their depressed love life, and even more stuff that gets annoying after a while. A lot of us are guilty of it! So as I digress realize what is this dating game is all about!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Swag: A New Epidemic

Have you ever been able to define what swag means? I certainly have a hard time doing it and as much as I used to like saying the word its been over used so much I cringe everytime I hear it come out of someones mouth. I think everyone who is their own " individual" has there own swag, from their personality, interest, and clothing our " swag " makes us all unique.Of course everyone has certain interest that are the same as others but we shouldn't try to purposely imitate the uniqueness of someone else. But unfortunately there are a lot of people who think they have swag but look just like many people they hang out with or  there favorite reality television star or rapper. Or even worst their swag is just plain ignorant. I've come up with a list of things that have been so over saturated in pop culture and/or ignorant that it has now become " swagless "

Here's a list of things that can't be in the criteria of " swag"

Wearing tight jeans with Jordan sneakers that are two sizes too big for you. Tight jeans and big sneakers make you look like a clown.

Decorating yourself with tattoo all over your body and wearing a throw back professional sports team shirt or jersey with a snapback hat. You look just like any obscure hipster rap artist that has come out with a mixtape this year.....and the year before that. You also look like almost every single artist on Young Money, and any model that has picture of themselves posted on someones tumblr account.

CONSTANTLY taking pictures of yourself with a blunt in your mouth in your room with a poster of  Wiz Khalfia or Bob Marley in the background. Alot of people smoke weed now and taking a picture of yourself doing it doesn't make you a rebel.

Wearing tank tops with bold lettering on it that say dumb phrases like, " I love haters, " or " I love bitches," or anything ignorant that you would see some drunken  college student on spring break in Mexico or Florida on MTV or BET's rip the runway show wearing.

Being black and bleaching your hair blond. Usually people who beat on girls do that like Jason Kidd of the Dallas Mavericks or Chris " Smackdown " Brown.

Writing on twitter or facebook that you are " grinding, " we all know you punch a clock like the most of us and hate your supervisor. If you were really grinding your ass wouldn't be on social networks at all...

Having  three cell phones with you when you're out with your buddies and only one of them rings. That bullshit lie about having one phone for business, one for your ladies, and the others for friends is getting old. 

ALWAYS talking about how much you hate Obama or any other politician on twitter and facebook, sorry but most people don't give a damn about your political views and we don't think you're any smarter than the same dumb chicks or guys you  retweet. If I want to  care for someones opinion on politics I'll watch MSNBC or FOX news.

People who always say they #teamlightskin.You don't have swag because your mom was white and your daddy was black. Pretty sure if your grandma was forced to ride in the back of the bus back before the civil rights act she probably gave your dad shit for marrying a white women and your mom was probably getting cursed by her dad  because he said he didn't want a mixed grandkid anyways.  I love interracial relationships but I have no idea wtf a #teamlightskin is and I'm certainly not inferior to you. #Teamlightskin  seems subjective to me cause I could go downsouth and certainly be a #teamlightskin. 

Just being an overall dumbass douche bag who says the most ignorant things and thinks its funny. You sound just like Tyler the Creator.

Dudes who take pictures of their children's sneakers and clothing then post them on facebook knowing damn well  that we all know they baby mama bought it for the child and you claiming you got your son decked out when all your baby mama wants to do is take your ass to court for lack of child support payments but her dumbass won't listen to her parents and do it cause she loves you too much.

You chicks that constantly seduce your good male friends making them believe you " about that life, " when you really aren't . You complain about not having any friends nor having any good guys interested in you but you ruin just about any healthy relationship you have with a male friend.

You fools doing cat burglaries in the daytime,dressed in all black like that's going to make a bigger difference hopping in people's windows when no ones home but the cat and the dog is plain dumb and dangerous . Then your family wants to get mad and press charges when a homeowner catches you and blows your brains out.

White girls who think they are superior to black girls and post tweets  on twitter low key about it like most of us don't know what you really mean.

I'm going to bed after that last one it got me pissed off just typing it.#Louie